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ผลของการใช้แผนภูมิความหมายเพื่อเพิ่มพูนการเรียนรู้คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษและความคงทนสำหรับนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6

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dc.contributor.advisor Nawamin Prachanant en_US
dc.contributor.advisor Saowarot Ruangpaisan en_US
dc.contributor.author Umpha, Suksamarn
dc.date.accessioned 2021-11-15T04:14:28Z
dc.date.available 2021-11-15T04:14:28Z
dc.date.issued 2021
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.bru.ac.th/xmlui/handle/123456789/7933
dc.description.abstract The main purposes of this study were 1) to study the efficiency of lesson plans using semantic mapping to improve English vocabulary learning of grade 6 students based on the criterion set at 75:75; 2) to compare the English vocabulary learning achievement before and after learning through semantic mapping of grade 6 students; 3) to examine grade 6 students’ satisfaction toward semantic mapping to improve English vocabulary learning for grade 6 students and 4) to investigate the English vocabulary learning retention after learning through semantic mapping of grade 6 students. The samples were 27 grade 6 students who enrolled in the Fundamental English Course (E16101) in the first semester of academic year 2020 at Bansiliam School, Prakhonchai District, Buriram Province. They were selected by using simple random sampling technique by using the schools as the sampling units. The research instruments were 8 semantic mapping lesson plans, 72 item achievement test, and satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and dependent samples t-test. The finding revealed as follows: 1. The efficiency of lesson plans using semantic mapping to improve English vocabulary learning of grade 6 students was 78.58/79.57 which was higher than the criterion set at 75/75. 2. The learning achievement of grade 6 students’ post-test mean score was higher than pre-test mean score with statistically significant difference at .01 level in all three aspects, namely form, meaning and use of vocabulary knowledge. 3. The grade 6 students’ satisfaction towards semantic mapping to improve English vocabulary learning was at the most satisfactory level. 4. The grade 6 students had retention after learning English vocabulary through semantic mapping. en_US
dc.language.iso th_TH en_US
dc.publisher มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบุรีรัมย์ en_US
dc.subject Effect of using Semantic mapping on Improving English Vocabulary Learning and Retention for Grade 6 Students en_US
dc.title ผลของการใช้แผนภูมิความหมายเพื่อเพิ่มพูนการเรียนรู้คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษและความคงทนสำหรับนักเรียนชั้นประถมศึกษาปีที่ 6 en_US
dc.title.alternative Effect of using Semantic mapping on Improving English Vocabulary Learning and Retention for Grade 6 Students en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US
dc.degree.discipline English en_US
dc.degree.level Master's Degree en_US
dc.degree.name Master of Education en_US

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