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โครงการสำรวจการปรับตัวของชุมชนวิถีใหม่ในสถานการณ์การระบาดของโรค โควิด-19 จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์

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dc.contributor.author Supaporn, Marangsee
dc.contributor.author ทันการ, สายใจ
dc.contributor.author ยางนอก, สุจิตรา
dc.contributor.author คนบุญ, รณชัย
dc.contributor.author ดีอ้อม, อัครเดช
dc.contributor.author บรรจง, ยงยุทธ
dc.contributor.author จอดนอก, กนิษฐา
dc.contributor.author หอมเนียม, นงนุช
dc.contributor.author ประชานันท์, พิสมัย
dc.date.accessioned 2021-08-10T09:36:45Z
dc.date.available 2021-08-10T09:36:45Z
dc.date.issued 2021-05-15
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.bru.ac.th/xmlui/handle/123456789/7720
dc.description.abstract Abstract The situation of the COVID-19 outbreak affects people all over the country, making adjustments to be able to live happily. Therefore, the researchers surveyed household members' adaptation to the COVID-19 epidemic situation to a new way of adapting to the community. The objective of this study is to study the effects of households from the COVID-19 situation: Economic, Health, Social and Environmental, Information Technology, and Education. New lifestyle practices of the household, Household members' concerns on current Covid-19 epidemic situation, Anxiety management, Positive impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic situation, and Recommendations for reducing anxiety or planning a life-saving action on the COVID-19 epidemic situation. The results of the study showed that on the economic aspect, it was found that Most households had a decrease in income of 287 households or 71.39 percent, followed by no income impact of 92 households, or 22.89 percent. On the health aspect, most of the household members had infection prevention and health care, accounting for 376 households, accounting for 93.53%. Followed by households who were not affected by infection prevention and health care. There were 25 households, accounting for 6.22 percent. Social and environmental aspects found that most of them did not result in family quarrels, with 320 households, or 79.60 percent. Followed by a decrease in family quarrels, accounting for 77, or 19.15 percent. On the information technology aspect, it was found that new technologies were learned. Most of the time, there was an increase in technology learning in 201 households, accounting for 50 percent. Followed by the learning of new technology, the same number of 187 households, accounting for 46.52 percent. In the educational aspect, it was found that the impact on students who had to study online. Most of them resulted in more students having to study online, with 185 households, or 46.02 percent. Followed by no impact on students having to study online, there were 134 households or 33.33 percent. The results of the new outbreak of study showed that there was a frequency of economic, health, social and environmental concerns, education, and information technology. Most of them are concerned on a scale often to a level on a regular basis. Keywords: COVID-19, behavior, adaptation en_US
dc.language.iso th_TH en_US
dc.publisher มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบุรีรัมย์ en_US
dc.subject โควิด - 19, พฤติกรรม, การปรับตัว en_US
dc.title โครงการสำรวจการปรับตัวของชุมชนวิถีใหม่ในสถานการณ์การระบาดของโรค โควิด-19 จังหวัดบุรีรัมย์ en_US
dc.title.alternative ss en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.contributor.emailauthor supaporn.ms@bru.ac.th en_US

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